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How to open Android hotspot using flutter

I want to set ssid and password of wifi hotspot in android using flutter.
I used wifi_iot but most of it's functions are deprecated.
is there any other way to do so?

I think using method channels would be better but I need code to open hotspot from kotlin/ give me full example of kotlin code please to open hotspot and set ssid, password

To open the Android hotspot using Flutter, you can use the flutter_mobile_hotspot package, which provides a simple and easy-to-use API for working with hotspot in Flutter. Here is an example of how you can use the package to open the hotspot.

import 'package:flutter_mobile_hotspot/flutter_mobile_hotspot.dart';

FlutterMobileHotspot.enableHotspot( ssId: "Your hotspot name", password: "Your hotspot password" );

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