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How to ignore some json fields in LogBook response?

I need to ignore some fields in response of Zalando Logbook logging

For example, if I have a Java response class:

class MyResponse {
    private String fieldOne;
    private String fieldTwo;
    private String fieldThree;

I want to have a LOGGED response json:

    "fieldOne": "abcd",
    "fieldThree": "dcba"

I've tried to use BodyFilters, but it's still not working. How can I solve it?

It depends what library do you use to serialize your class to JSON. If you use JSON-Jackson library you will need to add @JsonIgnore annotation to the field(s) that you want to ignore. So your class should look like this:

class MyResponse {
    private String fieldOne;
    private String fieldTwo;
    private String fieldThree;

Read this article for more info: Jackson Ignore Properties on Marshalling . Also, there is an open source MgntUtils library that provides a JsonUtils class that allows you very simply to serialize classes to JSON String and parse them from JSON String to class instance. This util is a thing wrapper over JSON-Jackson library and, for simple cases, saves you writing any configuration related to the Jackson lib. Here is the Javadoc for JsonUtils class . The MgntUtils library can be obtained as Maven artifact from Maven Central or from Github (including Javadoc and source code). This library is written and maintained by me

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