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Is `T array[N]{}` a value initialization or aggregate initialization?

Consider some type T (for simplicity, you may assume int ) and some integral constant N , which we use to define an array like this:

T array[N]{}; // Note the empty braces here!

According tocppreference , value initialization is defined as follows:

This is the initialization performed when an object is constructed with an empty initializer.

But further down it is written:

In all cases, if the empty pair of braces {} is used and T is an aggregate type, aggregate-initialization is performed instead of value-initialization.

But then a little bit more down, the following statement appears:

  1. if T is an array type, each element of the array is value-initialized;

From my understanding, the first and third quoted statements contradict to the second one.

So my two questions are:

  • Is the code snippet above a value initialization or an aggregate initialization?
  • Do the three quoted statements really contradict or am I missing something?

Note: I've seen similar questions here but they all differ a bit in the specifics.

Is T array[N]{} a value initialization or aggregate initialization?

It is list initialization and part of this initialization process involves aggregate initialization as per dcl.init.list . Additionally, it is also direct list initialization as quoted below.

1 ) List-initialization is initialization of an object or reference from a braced-init-list. Such an initializer is called an initializer list, and the comma-separated initializer-clauses of the initializer-list or designated-initializer-clauses of the designated-initializer-list are called the elements of the initializer list. An initializer list may be empty. List-initialization can occur in direct-initialization or copy-initialization contexts; list-initialization in a direct-initialization context is called direct-list-initialization and list-initialization in a copy-initialization context is called copy-list-initialization.

[Note 1: List-initialization can be used

(1.1) as the initializer in a variable definition ([dcl.init])


— end note]

The above means that T array[N]{} is list-initialization.

Now let's move on to how the elements of the array is initialized which is given in dcl.init.list#3 :

3) List-initialization of an object or reference of type T is defined as follows:

3.4) Otherwise, if T is an aggregate, aggregate initialization is performed.

And since in our example T array[N] is an aggregate , the above implies that in our example the whole process of initialization of the array T array[N] involves aggregate initialization .

Finally, from aggregate initialization given below, we will note that each element is copy-initialized from an empty initializer list:

3) When an aggregate is initialized by an initializer list as specified in [dcl.init.list], the elements of the initializer list are taken as initializers for the elements of the aggregate. The explicitly initialized elements of the aggregate are determined as follows :

3.3) Otherwise, the initializer list must be {}, and there are no explicitly initialized elements.

The above means that there are no explicitly initialized elements in our example so we move onto dcl.init.aggr#5 :

5) For a non-union aggregate, each element that is not an explicitly initialized element is initialized as follows :

5.2) Otherwise, if the element is not a reference, the element is copy-initialized from an empty initializer list .

(emphasis mine)

Essentially, this means that each element of type T of the array will be initialized from an empty initializer list .

Note that this also explains why the following contrived example fails in C++20 :

struct T
    T() = delete;
int main() 
    T array[5]{}; //this fails as a consequence of above explanation

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