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Using Services to create a Speech to Text Function with Vosk?

wanted to get some additional opinions on a project.

I'm attempting to create a system which will gather the dialog from a call commenced by Twilio Studio and transcribe it. I then intend to push the now transcribed dialog to my CRM.

I found a helpful article on speech to text with the use of Vosk; https://www.twilio.com/blog/transcribe-phone-calls-text-real-time-twilio-vosk - however, I think the article assumes that this will be done with the use of an external application. So, my question is; could this be possibly developed with the use of Twilio Services and leveraged within Studio?

If not, I could develop a web app to connect everything together, but would rather everything be housed within Twilio as I'm a novice developer and developing this app externally sounds like a rather over complex solution to this project.

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

Nothing attempted yet, still in the early research stage of this project.

As of now, Twilio does not offer its own Speech-to-Text engine. However, you can use media streams to forward the audio track to any engine out there on the inte.net.

This blog post uses Google's engine, for example.

The advantage of such a hosted service is that you neither need to worry about the model nor manage the server. If you want to do 100% serverless, then you could run the entire thing on Twilio Serverless .

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