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How do I add an agument that has spaces in it, in a Bach script

I am creating a script to check if my Minecraft server is running or not, but My script never works. Note: I'm not that good at Bach script coding I am using Win 10 Pro

I've looked online and found this

echo %~1
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq Cave SMP Vanilla 1.19.3" /FO CSV > search.log
FINDSTR Cave SMP Vanilla 1.19.3 search.log > found.log
FOR /F %%A IN (found.log) DO IF %%~zA EQU 0 GOTO end

echo server off


echo server on

del search.log
del found.log

but it just outputs enter image description here (The server is currently running) I expect it to output server is on

I hope someone can help me! Thanks Alot!!!!!

Please try this. There is notepad.exe as Image Name instead of your Cave SMP Vanilla 1.19.3 . You can try to replace notepad.exe and check if it works for you.

@echo OFF

TASKLIST /FI "IMAGENAME eq notepad.exe" /FO CSV > search.log
FINDSTR /R /C:"notepad.exe" search.log > found.log
FOR /F %%A IN (found.log) DO ( 
    IF %%~zA EQU 0 ( 
    GOTO :end ) 

echo server off
GOTO :end_file

echo server on


del search.log
del found.log

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