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Using FTP how do I rename a directory with trailing spaces?

I have a directory on my website the has two trailing spaces (automatically created) and now I need to rename it to the same name with out the spaces.

For example: ren "BON N ALL " "BON N ALL"

But I keep getting;
ftp> ren "BON N ALL " "BON N ALL"
550 BON N ALL : The system cannot find the file specified.

I've tried using wildcards like;

ftp> ren "BON N ALL??" "BON N ALL"
550 BON N ALL??: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

ftp> ren "BON N ALL" "BON N ALL"
550 BON N ALL: The system cannot find the file specified.

ftp> ren "BON N ALL*" "BON N ALL"
550 BON N ALL*: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

This is on a windows system with IIS. Any help would be appreciated.

I had a similar problem, and solved the problem using ./ on front and / on end name

for example:

RNFR ./ directory name with spaces  /
RNTO ./new_directory_name

I try to do it with the ftp client included with windows XP with the same results, however, with the filezilla client I had no problem to rename it. Filezilla client use the RNFR and RNTO to rename the files successfully, but the windows comand line ftp client do not have this commands. I recomend you to change your ftp client.

Good luck.

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