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Measuring system time of specific agent in anylogic

I've got 3 different product types of agent, which each go it's individual path within the fabric. How can i measure the average time the product type spends in the system? My logic looks like this在此处输入图像描述 , and i wanted to implement the measurement in the first service, like this: 在此处输入图像描述 , it will be completed in the last service like this: 在此处输入图像描述 Now I get some really high numbers, which are absolutely wrong. The process itself works fine, if you run the measurement with the code "//agent.enteredSystemP1 = time()", you will get a mean of 24 minutes, per product. But how can i get the mean per product type?

Just use the same if-elseif-else distinction in the 2nd service block as well.

Currently, any agent leaving the system adds time to any systemTimeDistribution

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