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Excel filtering data

I need help.

I have a thousand rows in 1 column. Each rows either end with a digit or a letter. And this letter ranges from A until RR. How can I select all the values that end with digit only?

Your help is much appreciated. Please respect my post.

I tried to used "not ending with" option in Filter. But i can only have 2. Is there a way to range the filter values from A through RR?

Assuming the input data is in column A , I consider the entire column, but you can adjust it to your specific range, then you can use:


It returns the rows from column A that ends with a single digit. We use the minus sign ( - )to convert a text into a number. If it is not a number returns #VALUE! and in that case ISNUMBER returns FALSE , otherwise it returns TRUE .

If your Excel version doesn't support FILTER function, the following answer to the question: What is an alternative of FILTER function for other than office365 excel? provided by @Pb can be adapted to your case as follows:


Then just expand it down.

Please take into account that using the entire column is not efficient , better to adapt it to your specific range. Using a specific range for example A1:A3 . The previous formula can be modified to return the entire array, there is no need to expand it down:


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