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Is an instance of an object inside a static method affect the object?

We have a static method that returns pdf bytes but there is uncertain times the pdf it generates is blank/distorted. Trying to figure out if an instance of an html to PDF generator being inside a static method causes the output to fail by not being able to generate the expected content in the pdf.


public class EvoPDFUtility
  public static byte[] ConvertHtmlToPdf(string html)
     var htmlToPdfGenerator = new EvoPDF();
     return htmlToPdfGenerator.Convert(html);

Is the instance inside the static method becomes shared to and the same everytime the static method is called?

No, htmpToPdfGenerator has local scope .

It is instantiated separately every time the static method is called and eligible for garbage collection as soon as that method exits.

Since each invocation of the static method references only a locally-scoped variable, the method is also thread safe.

Eric is right. It's not because it's a static function. It's more likely:

  1. Your HTML/CSS
  2. Fonts
  3. Possible image issues

Does it have issues generating the PDF several times against the same (good) HTML?

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