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how do you create an Insert function for Binary search tree using nodes as parameters?

I just started my second C++ class and am struggling to grasp the concept of nodes and linked lists. Every insert function I've found for binary trees uses either an int as a parameter, or an int an a node. Example:

  Node* InsertNode(Node* root, int data)
    // If the tree is empty, assign new node address to root
    if (root == NULL) {
        root = CreateNode(data);
        return root;
    // Else, do level order traversal until we find an empty
    // place, i.e. either left child or right child of some
    // node is pointing to NULL.
    queue<Node*> q;
    while (!q.empty()) {
        Node* temp = q.front();
        if (temp->left != NULL)
        else {
            temp->left = CreateNode(data);
            return root;
        if (temp->right != NULL)
        else {
            temp->right = CreateNode(data);
            return root;

But this practice problem requires two nodes as parameters.

function (Insert(Node *insert_node, Node *tree_root){

This is the full code:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstddef>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

class Node {
    int value;
    Node* left;       // left child
    Node* right;      // right child
    Node* p;          // parent
    Node(int data) {
        value = data;
        left = NULL;
        right = NULL;
        p  = NULL;
    ~Node() {
    int d() {
        return value;
    void print() {
        std::cout << value << std::endl;

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])

function insert(Node *insert_node, Node *tree_root){
    //Your code here

function delete_node(int value, Node *tree_root){
    //Your code here

function search(int value, Node *tree_root){
    //Your code here

I don't know why I'm struggling with these concepts so much. Can anyone point out the right direction?

You have Node objects with a member called data which is an int .

You have not given your full insert (with numeric parameter), so I will only give you an idea of how you can refactor that:

  • the very first line should be int data = insert_node->data; , so later on data will have the correct value
  • instead of temp->left = CreateNode(data); or temp->right = CreateNode(data); , you will need temp->left = insert_node; and temp->right = insert_node; , respectively, as you already have a node to work with, no need to create one
  • pay attention to tree_root , earlier it was called root

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