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Inserting \n to break line in JavaScript template string conditionally rendered in React Bootstrap Button component is ineffective

Part of a React component of mine is made of a React Bootstrap Button component. Within this one, I render a string conditionally depending on its toggled state, as per the following code:

                className={!toggleBoolean ? 'clickable block' : 'cancel clickable block'}
                {!toggleBoolean ? `[${publicCommunication.date}]\n《${publicCommunication.title}》`: '关'}

As you can see, I included the \n because I want to put date and title on separate lines in the button, which I also display as a block (instead of the default inline-block) for this purpose. The application runs without errors, and the style is applied. However, the conditionally rendered string still appears on a consecutive line, as in the screenshot below: 换行符应该在封闭的方括号之后开始。相反什么也没有发生。

What can I do to solve this problem? (Neither inserting
nor html entities - even by enabling them on the button - is of any help). As dependencies, I am using "bootstrap": "^5.2.3" and "react-bootstrap": "^2.7.0".

Thanks for your help!

This is the issue with how CSS wrap your text. But if you just want to break line, you can use the <br/> html tag. You can reference the below code:

 <Button size="sm" className={?toggleBoolean: 'clickable block'? 'cancel clickable block'} onClick={()=>setToggleBoolean(.toggleBoolean)} > {.toggleBoolean: <>`[${publicCommunication.date}]`<br/>`《${publicCommunication.title}》`</>: '关'} </Button>

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