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zsh/bash script fails in loop when *.css doesn't have match

I have a directory named.poco that has subdirectories at different levels. Some have *.css files in them. Some don't. The following script fails on line 4 (the second for loop) if the current directory has no.css files in it. How do I keep the script running if the current directory doesn't happen to have a match to *.css?

for dir in ~/pococms/poco/.poco/*; do
    if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
    for file in $dir/*.css # Fails if directory has no .CSS files
        if [ -f $file ]; then
          v "${file}"

That happens because of "shell globbing". Your shell tries to replace patterns like *.css with the list of files. When no files match the pattern, you get the "error" that you get.

You might want to use find :

find ~/pocoms/poco/.poco -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type f -name '*.css'

and then xargs to your program (in that case - echo ) like:

find ~/pocoms/poco/.poco\
  -mindepth 2\
  -maxdepth 2\
  -type f\
  -name '*.css'\
| xargs -0 -n1 -I{} echo "{}"

-n1 to pass the files one by one, remove it if you want your program to accept the full list of files as args.

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