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TypeError: Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance. In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method

I am trying to trigger a rtk query end point from a function

const [getcitycode, { isLoading, error, data, isSuccess, isError }] = useLocationQuery();

const getLocationDetails = async () => {
  const queryItems = { latitude: lat, longitude: long };
  await getcitycode(queryItems);

this is the end point

  query: (queryItems) => {
    console.log('qitems', queryItems);
    return {
      url: `https://revgeocode.search.hereapi.com/v1/revgeocode?
      method: 'GET',

the api is working fine, i cross checked by hard coding latitude and longitude value and getting successful response.

response from api

  "currentData": {
    "items": [[Object]]
  "data": {
    "items": [[Object]]
  "endpointName": "location",
  "fulfilledTimeStamp": 1675000730551,
  "isError": false,
  "isFetching": false,
  "isLoading": false,
  "isSuccess": true,
  "isUninitialized": false,
  "refetch": [Function refetch],
  "requestId": "uKRzgDyIYxgdDc1wAcScf",
  "startedTimeStamp": 1675000730127,
  "status": "fulfilled"

Change from (replace square brackets with curly brackets):

const [getcitycode, { isLoading, error, data, isSuccess, isError }] = useLocationQuery();
const {getcitycode, { isLoading, error, data, isSuccess, isError }} = useLocationQuery();

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