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How to trigger Messages at specific times?

We have a DB table where every row has a text message and a timestamp. Eg

Mesg1 09:00

Mesg2 09:01

Mesg3 09:15

Mesg4 09:20

The timings are not at a fixed interval. It is uneven. We would like to read the table as a Source and send the Messages to a Target at the configured timestamps. Components like Quartz do not allow configuring uneven trigger times.

Is there a common pattern that can be followed for such a use case?

Regards, Yash

Use camel cron component for the trigger events.


The schedule expression 0/3+10+ + +*+? can be also written as 0/3 10 * * *? and triggers an event every three seconds only in the tenth minute of each hour.

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