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An attribute error appeared when I tried to make a code allowing a user to create their own record

I am trying to allow a user to create their own record and output their record. When I run my code this message appears:

File "filename", line 25, in record = user_class(fact_list) File "filename", line 17, in init self.feild_list[i]=feild_list[i] AttributeError: 'user_class' object has no attribute 'feild_list'

This is my code:

user_list = []

choice=input("Enter choice (Y/N):")

if choice == "Y":
    feild_list = []

    record_length = int(input("Enter record length:"))

    for i in range(record_length):
        feild = input("Enter a feild:")

    class user_class():
        def __init__(self, feild_list):
            for i in range(record_length):

    fact_list = []

    for i in range(len(feild_list)):
        fact = input("Enter a fact:")
    record = user_class(fact_list)


    choice=input("Enter choice (Y/N):") 
elif choice == "N":
    print("Program Ended.")

    while choice != "Y" or choice != "N":
        print("Invalid choice")
        choice = input("Enter choice (Y/N):")

In user_class.__init__() you don't have a self.feild_list variable. I assume you want one (see below). Alternatively you could just clone the list self.feild_list = feild_list[:] .

user_list = []

choice = input("Enter choice (Y/N):")

if choice == "Y":
    feild_list = []

    record_length = int(input("Enter record length:"))

    for i in range(record_length):
        feild = input("Enter a feild:")

    class user_class():
        def __init__(self, feild_list):
            self.feild_list = []
            for i in range(record_length):

    fact_list = []

    for i in range(len(feild_list)):
        fact = input("Enter a fact:")

    record = user_class(fact_list)


    choice = input("Enter choice (Y/N):")
elif choice == "N":
    print("Program Ended.")

    while choice != "Y" and choice != "N":
        print("Invalid choice")
        choice = input("Enter choice (Y/N):")

Also fixed the logic error in the choice retry. Consider moving that retry logic to the start so always get a valid choice:

while True:
    choice = input("Enter choice (Y/N):")
    if choice in "NY":
    print("Invalid choice")

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