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Does anyone know how to make a css button look like this?

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I'm trying to make a button look like this in css but I can't figure out how. Someone please help me!

I haven't tried anything yet.

The picture is very blurry, but it should be something like this.

 *, *::before, *::after { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding:0; }.button { display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; justify-content: space-around; align-items: center; border: none; border-radius: .5rem; overflow: hidden; color: white; font-size: 1.3rem; }.button > * { padding: .5rem.8rem; }.tick { background: green; }.content { background: lightblue; }
 <button type="button" class="button"> <div class="tick">v</div> <div class="content">Start</div> </button>

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