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AttributeError when using wrds library

Doing the following:

import wrds
db = wrds.Connection()

does yield the following error for me:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
File ~\anaconda3\envs\playground\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py:1410, in Connection.execute(self, statement, parameters, execution_options)
   1409 try:
-> 1410     meth = statement._execute_on_connection
   1411 except AttributeError as err:

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '_execute_on_connection'

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

ObjectNotExecutableError                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In [2], line 2
      1 #connect to wrds api
----> 2 db = wrds.Connection()

File ~\anaconda3\envs\playground\lib\site-packages\wrds\sql.py:101, in Connection.__init__(self, autoconnect, **kwargs)
     99 if (autoconnect):
    100     self.connect()
--> 101     self.load_library_list()

File ~\anaconda3\envs\playground\lib\site-packages\wrds\sql.py:197, in Connection.load_library_list(self)
    162         print("Loading library list...")
    163         query = """
    164 WITH pgobjs AS (
    165     -- objects we care about - tables, views, foreign tables, partitioned tables
    195 ORDER BY 1;
    196         """
--> 197         cursor = self.connection.execute(query)
    198         self.schema_perm = [x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()]
    199         print("Done")

File ~\anaconda3\envs\playground\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\base.py:1412, in Connection.execute(self, statement, parameters, execution_options)
   1410     meth = statement._execute_on_connection
   1411 except AttributeError as err:
-> 1412     raise exc.ObjectNotExecutableError(statement) from err
   1413 else:
   1414     return meth(
   1415         self,
   1416         distilled_parameters,
   1417         execution_options or NO_OPTIONS,
   1418     )

ObjectNotExecutableError: Not an executable object: '\nWITH pgobjs AS (\n    -- objects we care about - tables, views, foreign tables, partitioned tables\n    SELECT oid, relnamespace, relkind\n    FROM pg_class\n    WHERE relkind = ANY (ARRAY[\'r\'::"char", \'v\'::"char", \'f\'::"char", \'p\'::"char"])\n),\nschemas AS (\n    -- schemas we have usage on that represent products\n    SELECT nspname AS schemaname, pg_namespace.oid, array_agg(DISTINCT relkind) AS relkind_a\n    FROM pg_namespace\n    JOIN pgobjs ON pg_namespace.oid = relnamespace\n    WHERE nspname !~ \'(^pg_)|(_old$)|(_new$)|(information_schema)\'\n        AND has_schema_privilege(nspname, \'USAGE\') = TRUE\n    GROUP BY nspname, pg_namespace.oid\n)\nSELECT schemaname\nFROM schemas\nWHERE relkind_a != ARRAY[\'v\'::"char"] -- any schema except only views\nUNION\n-- schemas w/ views (aka "friendly names") that reference accessable product tables\nSELECT nv.schemaname\nFROM schemas nv\nJOIN pgobjs v ON nv.oid = v.relnamespace AND v.relkind = \'v\'::"char"\nJOIN pg_depend dv ON v.oid = dv.refobjid AND dv.refclassid = \'pg_class\'::regclass::oid\n    AND dv.classid = \'pg_rewrite\'::regclass::oid AND dv.deptype = \'i\'::"char"\nJOIN pg_depend dt ON dv.objid = dt.objid AND dv.refobjid <> dt.refobjid\n    AND dt.classid = \'pg_rewrite\'::regclass::oid AND dt.refclassid = \'pg_class\'::regclass::oid\nJOIN pgobjs t ON dt.refobjid = t.oid\n    AND (t.relkind = ANY (ARRAY[\'r\'::"char", \'v\'::"char", \'f\'::"char", \'p\'::"char"]))\nJOIN schemas nt ON t.relnamespace = nt.oid\nGROUP BY nv.schemaname\nORDER BY 1;\n  

You need a WRDS account in order to connect to the WRDS API. I have one and I inserted the correct information. N.netheless I get this error. In fact, in the Jupyter Notebook I am using, it explicitly states "Loading library list..." before the error pops up. Why is that so? I have used the libarary for ages and this has never occured to me.

EDIT: I am using version 3.1.2 (the latest version) of the WRDS package. This error does not occur when using version 3.1.1.

The default version of SQLAlchemy is 2.0.0. You need to uninstall and install the 1.4 version: pip install SQLAlchemy==1.4.46. It works for me.

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