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Authenticating Shopify Admin API on Shopify site?

Does anyone have experience authenticating the Shopify API on a Web 2.0 store?

I have a whole custom blog template built that filters articles by name, date, tag, etc... I'm like 95% done, just need help authenticating this. The blog functionality works perfectly... but only when I manually enter the api credentials.

Usually I would create an.env file that I upload to the server where I can store the credentials... but that won't work with Shopify so I'm trying to figure out another way.

Shopify mentioned using a Theme App Extension... is that the way to go or do you have another way?

That seems like overkill just to manage our blog. I was hoping to just modify the liquid template.

Are there any other ways to use the Admin REST API to pull blog articles?

Please let me know if I have any other options. I'd hate to have to rebuild everything or have to make this an app just to pull blog articles.

You do not need an App to build anything blog, as Shopify has blog built in. Why would you need API access?

If you re-invented the wheel and built your own blogging engine, and now you want to install that in a Shopify store, you will be choosing to use an App Proxy in front of your App. Even if you use a Theme App Extension. So your blog will now be slow, but you will be functional. Is that really what your aim is?

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