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undefined symbol : crt__itow_s

I got a piece of code:

            push    0Ah             ; Radix
            push    2               ; fSizeInWords
            lea     eax, [ebp+DstBuf]
            and     dword ptr [ebp+DstBuf], 0
            push    eax             ; DstBuf
            push    7
            pop     ecx
            xor     edx, edx
            mov     eax, ebx
            div     ecx
            push    edx             ; Val
            call    _itow_s

After change _itow_s to crt__itow_s, I got error reported:undefined symbol: crt__itow_s. Does _itow_s in msvcrt.lib? How to pass the _itow_s function in masm32.

I changed to the LoadLibrary method

LibName       db "ntdll.dll",0
ProcName      db "_itow_s",0

                push    0Ah             ; Radix
                push    2               ; fSizeInWords
                lea     eax, [ebp+DstBuf]
                and     dword ptr [ebp+DstBuf], 0
                push    eax             ; DstBuf
                push    7
                pop     ecx
                xor     edx, edx
                mov     eax, ebx
                div     ecx
                push    edx             ; Val
                ;call    _itow_s
                invoke LoadLibrary,ADDR LibName
                invoke GetProcAddress,eax,ADDR ProcName
                call    eax

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