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Seems my pylance having issue with autocomplete third party module's method

I am trying to switch the editor from Pycharm to Vscode somehow.

But some aspect of autocomplete isn't working in vscode I guess.

Specifically, when I want to utilize autocomplete dealing with BeautifulSoup module,

and want to see autocomplete in deeper property,

在 Pycharm 中正常工作

autocomplete works properly in Pycharm, where as vscode,


shows nothing.

I roughly know it may be a problem with Pylance extrapaths something

but I could'n figure out how.

I tried some features in setting.json like adding python language server to pylance,

or some kinda of pyright plugin hoping more delicate function but didn't get it.

Can I get some direct info about this matter?

The same problem exists on github and has been closed.

Beautiful soup needs to add type stubs for this to work.

You could suggest developer updating the package on bs4 .

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