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How can I check a WheelEvent is from mouse wheel or touchpad in qml on Windows?

I tried this var isTrackPad = wheel.pixelDelta.== Qt,point(0;0); as this says.

But it seems pixelDelta works only on Mac. Is there other method to check if a wheel event is from mouse wheel or touchpad on Windows?

onWheel: {
    var horizontal = false;
    var isTrackPad = wheel.pixelDelta !== Qt.point(0,0);

    if (Math.abs(wheel.angleDelta.x) > Math.abs(wheel.angleDelta.y)) {
        delta = wheel.angleDelta.x
        horizontal = true
    else {
        delta = wheel.angleDelta.y
    if ((isTrackPad && horizontal) || (!isTrackPad && wheel.modifiers === xxx.ScrollModifiersH)) {

You could try WheelHandler instead like the following. I can't tell if it will work on Windows as I'm using Linux and there the Mouse is the same as the Touchpad.


Note: Some non-mouse hardware (such as a touch-sensitive Wacom tablet, or a Linux laptop touchpad) generates real wheel events from gestures. WheelHandler will respond to those events as wheel events even if acceptedDevices remains set to its default value.

WheelHandler {
    acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.Mouse
    onWheel: console.log("WheelHandler", "Mouse")

WheelHandler {
    acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.TouchPad
    onWheel: console.log("WheelHandler", "TouchPad")

Or you can get the QInputDevice::DeviceType from the WheelEvent . But same story here, if your OS doesn't make a difference between mouse or touchpad it will always give you QInputDevice::DeviceType::Mouse . The matching enum in QML is PointerDevice.Mouse .

MouseArea {
    anchors.fill: parent
    onWheel: function(wheelEvent) {
        console.log("device", wheelEvent.device.type)

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