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I want to make vertical bars with values on top of each bar

the plot is horizontal without values I tried this code

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
g = sns.barplot(

I tried this for values

ax = g.axes[0, 0]

I had this error 'AxesSubplot' object is not subscriptable

You can try this by using the bar chart from pandas. If you want the plot horizontal use.barh If you provide a snippet from your df it would be easier to fit the data, though. If you want to use a hue you can just pivot your data to the right format.

ax = (df 
        .plot.bar(#insert your x and y
    for c in ax.containers:
        # Optional: if the segment is small or 0, customize the labels
        labels = [v.get_height() if v.get_height() > 0 else '' for v in c]
        # remove the labels parameter if it's not needed for customized labels
        ax.bar_label(c, labels=labels, label_type='edge')

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