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Quarkus + Panache + Active Record Pattern + Inheritance problem

I can create a Base class that extends PanacheMongoEntity (example below) and the Child class extending Base works as expected. However, if I move the Base class into a separate JAR file (eg, core.jar), I get an error “java.lang.IllegalStateException: This method is normally automatically overridden in subclasses” when calling Child.listAll().

public class Base extends PanacheMongoEntity {
    public String modifiedDate;

public class Child extends Base {
    public String name;

// works

As mentioned, if the Base class and Child class are compiled at the same time, it works. But moving Base to a JAR and including as a dependency does not work.

For all external jars to get scanned by Quarkus, you need to add an empty beans.xml in /src/main/resources/META-INF in your external project.

This is described somewhere on Quarkus guides.

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