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IIS website works with localhost, but not using an IP address

I have an Angular frontend with a .NET framework backend, which has the following web.config file (nothing else about authorization/authentication):

<location path="Tokens">
            <windowsAuthentication enabled="true" />
            <anonymousAuthentication enabled="false" />
          <windowsAuthentication enabled="false" />
          <anonymousAuthentication enabled="true" />

I am using AD login, which is the Tokens controller, the rest is secured by JWT tokens.

My current problem is, I wish to test the website with other computers in the domain using IIS and the website works if I use localhost , but as soon as I use my IP, errors start appearing.

My frontend configuration JSON:

  "apiAddress": "https://IP:50505/",

And the backend web.config also contains this:

<add key="WhitelistedServerUrls" value="https://IP:34622" />

So if the IP in the config files is localhost , then everything works as it should, but if I exchange that for my actual IP, then I get CORS errors as shown in the image below: 在此处输入图像描述

None of these errors appear if I use localhost. Below is the list of the things I've tried:

  • CORS should be correctly set up in the code, but just to make sure, I also configured it in the HTTP Response Headers feature in IIS
    • this fixed CORS errors, but brought different errors, also signalr had an error that CORS origin is set up twice
  • I also added the website https://IP to local intr.net in settings
    • prior to this, I was getting a login popup, doing this fixed it
  • my bindings for both frontend and backend are https with a self-signed certificate
    • browser notifies, that the certificate is not valid

My guess is that my IIS is not configured correctly, as the website works if I use localhost instead of an IP address.

You enabled Windows authentication, so that when CORS preflight request (anonymous OPTION request) sent by the browser arrives on IIS, 401 is returned by IIS and triggers the errors you see.

You will have to use IIS CORS module to properly process such preflight requests,


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