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Is there a library class to represent floating point numbers?

I am writing an application which does a lot of manipulation with decimal numbers (eg 57.65). As multiplications and divisions quickly erode their accuracy, I would like to store the numbers in a class which preserves their accuracy after manipulation, rather than rely on float and double.

I am talking about something like this:

class FloatingPointNumber {
    long m_mantissa;
    int m_dps; // decimal points
    // so for example 57.65 would be represented as m_mantissa=5765, m_dps=2
    // Overloaded function for addition
    FloatingPointNumber operator+(FloatingPointNumber n);
    // Other operator overloads follow

While it is possible for me to write such a class, it feels a bit like reinventing the wheel and I am sure that there must be some library class somewhere which does this (although this does not seem to exist in STL).

Does anybody know of such a library? Many thanks.

Do you mean something like this ?

#include "ttmath/ttmath.h"
#include <iostream>

int main()
   // bigdouble consists of 1024*4 bytes for the mantissa
   // and 256*4 bytes for the exponent.
   // This is because my machine is 32-bit!
    typedef ttmath::Big<1024, 256> bigdouble; // <Mantissa, Exponent>

    bigdouble x = 5.05544;
    bigdouble y = "54145454.15484854120248541841854158417";
    bigdouble z = x * y * 0.01;

    std::cout << z;

    return 0;

You can specify the number of machine words in the mantissa and the exponent as you like. I have used TTMath to solve Project Euler puzzles, and I am really pleased with it. I think it is relatively stable and the author is very kind if you have questions.

EDIT:: I have also used MAPM in the past. It represents big floats in base 100 , so there would be no problem converting decimal numbers to base 100, unlike base 2. TTMAT uses base 2 to represents big floats. It is stable since 2000 as the library page claims. It has been used in many applications as you can see in the library page. It is a C library with a nice C++ wrapper.

MAPM nextPrime(){

    static MAPM prime = 3;
    MAPM retPrime = prime;

    prime += 2;
    while( isPrime( prime ) == false )
        prime += 2;

    return retPrime;

BTW, If you are interested in GMP and you are using VS, then you can check the MPIR which is GMP port for Windows ;) for me I find TTMath more than pleasing and easier/faster than all of what I tried because the library does stack allocations without touching the heap in anyway. Basically it is not an arbitrary precision library, you specify the precision at compile-time as shown above.

There is a list of libraries here .

I have never tried any of them so I can't recommend a single one, however this one is part of the GNU Project so it can't be half bad.

如果你想自己动手, Binary Coded Decimal可能是你最好的选择。

I have no experience with these libraries, but just as a matter of awareness, there have been 2 major developments that I think are relevant to this question in the last few years...

  1. "posits" - a new floating-point format that is more efficient and less "messy" than IEEE754.
  2. C# 11 has introduced "static abstract interface members" which enables (for our purposes) implementing new numeric types while getting all the same benefits of the built-in numeric types in terms of operator overloading, etc... ie truly generic numeric types in C#.

I know of no implementations of "posits" in C#, nor is C# 11 released yet. But again -- these are salient developments related to the question.

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