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“autotest/rails […] doesn't […] exist. Aborting”

I'm finding that autotest has stopped working...

$ autotest
loading autotest/rails
Autotest style autotest/rails doesn't seem to exist. Aborting.

According to this blog post , the common reason for this error is that people don't have the autotest-rails gem installed. However, I definitely have that installed:

autotest-rails (4.1.0)
ZenTest (4.1.4, 4.1.3, 4.1.1, 4.0.0, 3.11.1, 3.11.0, 3.10.0, 3.9.3, 3.9.2)

I haven't installed any new gems today or yesterday, though I might have done a gem update yesterday.

Another issue I saw mentioned was incompatibility with Ruby 1.9, but I'm using MRI Ruby 1.8.6.

I just hit this problem today.

My versions were:

  • autotest-rails (4.1.0)
  • ZenTest (4.1.4, 3.10.0)

I did a 'sudo gem cleanup ZenTest' and autotest now runs.

Hope this helps. :-)


I just upgraded to ZenTest 4.1.4 with autospec and my big app is working just fine. (I had to do a script/generate rspec)

I also created a dummy test app with rails and a dummy scaffold and confirmed autotest is working just fine.

There must be something going on with your config. Did you do a full sudo gem update ?

gem uninstall autotest
gem install autotest
gem install autotest-rails

Worked for me as well!

sudo gem install autotest-rails


Lots of things now have a -rails variant, like cucumber for example.

Later autotest versions also need

export RSPEC=true

if you're running it (or just put RSPEC=true before the autotest command)

I was getting this error when using latest autotest (gem versino 4.4.6) :

Autotest style autotest/rails doesn't seem to exist. Aborting

Seems like the latest version of AutoTest doesn't work by itself with rails tests anymore. To be able to run autotest, I had to gem install autotest-rails-pure .


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