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Vim syntax highlighting 'else:' for Python

I'm getting annoyed with the default python syntax highlighting in Vim.

It does not highlight the else: statement correctly. Vim only highlights the else statement if I have some white space between the else and the colon : , so else : works, but else: does not.

It must be easy to fix.

I'm using Vim 7.2

I had below statement in my vimrc file. This made else: be tokenized as one word. After removing that else: syntax highlighting works just fine.

set iskeyword+=:

It should work by default.

Look for a file that is something like this:


There should be a line there that looks like this:

syn keyword pythonConditional   if elif else

If not, investigate further. Does elif work?

Note that the file in


is not up to date for some reason.

Get the most recent version of the syntax highlight file from http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=790

This periodically pops up, and I've taken to putting this in my vimrc:

" No seriously, else: is the same as else
autocmd BufEnter,BufRead,BufNewFile *.py    set iskeyword-=:

Enable the filetype stuff so things are setup automatically. I've python auto indenting and syntax highlighting setup for vim here: http://www.pixelbeat.org/settings/.vimrc

In my ~/.vim/syntax/python.vim file, I have a line

syn keyword pythonConditional   else:

which solves this problem.

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