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Long running jobs in Quartz.Net


The more standard way is to use IInterruptableJob, see http://quartznet.sourceforge.net/faq.html#howtostopjob . Of course this is just another way to say if (!jobRunning)...

Could you not just set some sort of global variable (jobRunning=true) when the job starts and revert it to false once it's finished?

Then when the trigger fires, just run your code if(jobRunning==false)


现在,您可以在触发器中使用“ WithMisfireHandlingInstructionIgnoreMisfires”,并在作业中使用[DisallowConcurrentExecution]属性。

This was my implementation (using the suggestions at the link that MarkoL gave earlier).

I'm just trying to save some typing.

I'm pretty new at Quartz.NET, so take the below with a train of salt.

public class AnInterruptableJob : IJob, IInterruptableJob

    private bool _isInterrupted = false;

    private int MAXIMUM_JOB_RUN_SECONDS = 10;

    /// <summary> 
    /// Called by the <see cref="IScheduler" /> when a
    /// <see cref="ITrigger" /> fires that is associated with
    /// the <see cref="IJob" />.
    /// </summary>
    public virtual void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)

        /* See http://aziegler71.wordpress.com/2012/04/25/quartz-net-example/ */

        JobKey key = context.JobDetail.Key;

        JobDataMap dataMap = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap;

        int timeOutSeconds = dataMap.GetInt("TimeOutSeconds");
        if (timeOutSeconds <= 0)
            timeOutSeconds = MAXIMUM_JOB_RUN_SECONDS;

        Timer t = new Timer(TimerCallback, context, timeOutSeconds * 1000, 0);

        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("AnInterruptableJob Start : JobKey='{0}', timeOutSeconds='{1}' at '{2}'", key, timeOutSeconds, DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()));

        catch (ThreadInterruptedException)

        if (_isInterrupted)
            Console.WriteLine("Interrupted.  Leaving Excecute Method.");

        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("End AnInterruptableJob (should not see this) : JobKey='{0}', timeOutSeconds='{1}' at '{2}'", key, timeOutSeconds, DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()));


    private void TimerCallback(Object o)
        IJobExecutionContext context = o as IJobExecutionContext;

        if (null != context)

    public void Interrupt()
        _isInterrupted = true;
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("AnInterruptableJob.Interrupt called at '{0}'", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()));

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