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How to parse DateTime SubString out of variable String

I have a String like this:

"WAIT_UNTIL;SYSTEM_TIME >= Di 15 Sep 2009    23:00:21 and IgnKeyPos ==3"

or something like this

"IF;Thermal >=20 and SYSTEM_TIME >= Tue 16 Sep 2009    23:00:21 "

I need to extract only the Time and Date part so I can use it later like this:

TimeThen = DateTime.Parse("Di 15 Sep 2009    23:00:21");

How should I start ?

This would match, although with more feedback on the expected format it could be enhanced. For now it accepts at least 1 space between the date/time parts.

string input = "IF;Thermal >=20 and SYSTEM_TIME >= Tue 15 Sep 2009    23:00:21 ";
string pattern = @"[A-Z]+\s+\d+\s+[A-Z]+\s+\d{4}\s+(?:\d+:){2}\d{2}";
Match match = Regex.Match(input, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

if (match.Success)
    string result = match.Value;
    DateTime parsedDateTime;
    if (DateTime.TryParse(result, out parsedDateTime))
        // successful parse, date is now in parsedDateTime
        // parse failed, throw exception
    // match not found, do something, throw exception

Consider using Regular Expressions

Here's some info on using them in C#:

Here's a sample usage

Regex dateTimeRegex = new Regex("\w<=(?<ParsedDateTime>YOUR REGEX GOES HERE)");

if(match.Success && match.Groups["ParsedDateTime"].Success)
   string parsedDateTime = match.Groups["ParsedDateTime"].Value;

   // process your parsed value here


private static DateTime ExtractDateTime(string format)
    int length = format.Length;
    for (int startIndex = 0; startIndex < length; startIndex++)
        for(int subLength = length - startIndex; subLength > 0; subLength--)
            string substring = format.Substring(startIndex, subLength);
            DateTime result;
            if (DateTime.TryParse(substring, out result))
                return result;
    return DateTime.MinValue;

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