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How do I resize a System.Windows.Forms.ToolBar?

I've not bothered with panels, docking, or anchors. I've simply thrown together a ToolBar control (not ToolStrip) and seem unable to size it.

System.Windows.Forms.ToolBar tb = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolBar();

// Reports 292x28 (approx) if I check width and height
// Basically the width of the form and I assume a default height
tb.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(195, 48);

// Reports 48x48, but does not actually create buttons of that size
// (It reports 48x48 because I'm retrieving 48x48 icons from a ResourceManager (resx))
tb.ButtonSize = new System.Drawing.Size(48, 48); // 

The closest thing I found to making my ToolBar taller was:


Although it's rather dated. And I didn't understand it. ToolBarButtons don't have Height, Width, or Size properties.

I'm using SharpDevelop, coding completely by hand on Vista, with all the .NET frameworks.


Here is the EXACT code that I am currently using.

#region ImageList/Toolbar
ImageList toolbarImages = new ImageList();
Image wizardToolbarImage = (Bitmap) rm.GetObject("wizard");
Image optionsToolbarImage = (Bitmap) rm.GetObject("configure");

ToolBar toolbarMain = new ToolBar();
toolbarMain.Size = new Size(195, 25); // no effect
ToolBarButton wizardToolbarButton = new ToolBarButton();
ToolBarButton optionsToolbarButton = new ToolBarButton();
wizardToolbarButton.ImageIndex = 0;
wizardToolbarButton.ToolTipText = "Wizard!";
optionsToolbarButton.ImageIndex = 1;
optionsToolbarButton.ToolTipText = "Options!";

toolbarMain.Appearance = ToolBarAppearance.Normal;
toolbarMain.ButtonSize = new System.Drawing.Size(48, 48); // no effect
toolbarMain.ImageList = toolbarImages;
toolbarMain.ButtonClick += new ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler(toolbarMain_Click);



You can also put the toolstrip inside a Panel and set the Dock property of the tool strip to Fill. And then you can size the Panel to whatever size you need.

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