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C++ Vector class as a member in other class

Please I have this code which gives me many errors:

//Neuron.h File
#ifndef Neuron_h
#define Neuron_h
#include "vector"
class Neuron
 vector<double> GetWeight();


//Neuron.cpp File
#include "Neuron.h"
vector<double> Neuron::GetWeight()
 return lstWeights;

Could any one tell me what is wrong with it?


#include <vector>

You use angle-brackets because it's part of the standard library , "" with just make the compiler look in other directories first, which is unnecessarily slow. And it is located in the namespace std :


You need to qualify your vector in the correct namespace:

class Neuron
 std::vector<double> GetWeight();


std::vector<double> Neuron::GetWeight()

Made simpler with typedef's:

class Neuron
    typedef std::vector<double> container_type;

    const container_type& GetWeight(); // return by reference to avoid
                                       // unnecessary copying

private: // most agree private should be at bottom
    container_type lstWeights;

const Neuron::container_type& Neuron::GetWeight()
 return lstWeights;

Also, don't forget to be const-correct :

const container_type& GetWeight() const; // const because GetWeight does
                                         // not modify the class

Firstly, #include <vector> . Note the angular brackets.

Secondly, it's 'std::vector', not just 'vector' (or use 'using' directive).

Thirdly, don't return vectors by value. This is heavy and usually completely unnecessary. Return a [const] reference instead

class Neuron {
    std::vector<double> lstWeights;
    const vector<double>& GetWeight() const;

const std::vector<double>& Neuron::GetWeight() const
  return lstWeights;
#ifndef Neuron_h
#define Neuron_h
#include "vector"

using std::vector;

class Neuron
 vector<double> GetWeight();


try that

try replacing vector with std::vector , a la:

std::vector<double> lstWeights;

The issue is that the standard containers are in the standard namespace, so you have to somehow let the compiler know that you'd like to use the standard namespace's version of vector; you do that one of several ways, std::vector being the most explicit.

vector<double>加上std::前缀,例如std::vector<double> ,即可完成工作。

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