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In Oracle, how do you change the 'default' database?

I really should know this, but would someone tell me how to change the default database on Linux?

For example:

I have a database test1 on server1 with ORACLE_SID=test1 . So, to connect to test1 I can use:

sqlplus myuser/password

Connects to the default database, test1

I would now like the default sqlplus connection to go to database test2 on server server2 .

So, I've updated tnsnames so that the old test1 entry now points to test2@server2 . I've also added a separate entry for test2 that points to the same place. However, the default connection still seems to go to test1@server1 .

The following both work fine and go to database test2 on server2 :

sqlplus myuser/password@test1
sqlplus myuser/password@test2

But the default connection, sqlplus myuser/password , goes to test1@server1 .

Any ideas?


To expand on kerchingo 's answer: Oracle has multiple ways to identify a database.

The best way -- the one that you should always use -- is USER/PASSWORD@SERVER . This will use the Oracle naming lookup (tnsnames.ora) to find the actual server, which might be on a different physical host every time you connect to it. You can also specify an Oracle connection string as SERVER , but pretend you can't.

There are also two ways to specify a default server via environment variables. The first is TWO_TASK , which uses the naming lookup, and the second is ORACLE_SID , which assumes that the server is running on the current machine. ORACLE_SID takes precedence over TWO_TASK .

The reason that you should always use an explicit connect string is that you have no idea whether the user has set TWO_TASK , ORACLE_SID , both, or neither; nor do you know what they might be set to. Setting both to different values is a particularly painful problem to diagnose, particularly over the phone with a person who doesn't really understand how Oracle works (been there, done that).

Assuming you're logged into server1, you'll need to connect to test2 using

sqlplus myuser/password@test2

because you have to go through a listener to get to server2. The string test2 identifies an entry in your tnsnames.ora file that specifies how to connect to test2. You won't be able to connect to a different server using the first form of your sqlplus command.

If both instances (test1, test2) were on server1, then you could, as @kerchingo states, set the ORACLE_SID environment variable to point at another instance.

Defining a enviroment variable LOCAL with the tns alias of your database.

> set LOCAL=test1
> sqlplus myuser/password
> ... connected to test1
> set LOCAL=test2
> sqlplus myuser/password
> ... connected to test2

This works on windows client, not shure about other os.

我认为它是在你的环境中设置的,你能回复$ ORACLE_SID吗?

The correct question is 'How do I change the default service'? Oracle DBMS offers two types of connection request: explicit and implicit. In an explicit request, you supply three operands like sqlplus username/password@service. In an implicit request, you ignore the third operand.

Implicit connection applies only when the client-host and server-host are the same. Consequently, the listener is on the same host.

The listener is the one that initially responds to connection request. In handling the implicit-connection request from the same host, it checks whether the instance name has been set. It checks the value of shell-variable ORACLE_SID.

If set, then it can handle implicit-connection request. Otherwise, it cannot, and you must perform explicit-connection request, supplying the third operand.

The listener-config file name listener.ora associates instance with service. To change the default service you connect to, change the default value of instance. Therefore, change the default value of shell-variable ORACLE_SID. You do it in the OS user config file such as .profile or similar config files.

Hope this helps.

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