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Which MVP frameworks exist for ASP.net?

Can someone provide basic sample / link for MVP Framework.

Need to design a website => is much more of Admin type site.

SQL Server as database backend.

Model View Presenter at MSDN:


MVP Framework at CodePlex:


Check out the webforms MVP framework. Might be better than rolling out your own


You may want to check out the WebClient Software Factory from the Microsoft Patterns & Practices team. It's also here on Codeplex . It uses the MVP pattern, and adds a couple of helpful options to Visual Studio when you install it.

I've used with success the following open source project to implement the MVP pattern in ASP.NET + WinForms:

  • Castle Project.

Take a look at my blog post which shows a complete ASP.NET Web Application sample:

Model View Presenter pattern with Castle in ASP.NET

CodeProject有一个很好的例子,说明如何从.NET MVP框架开始: http//www.codeproject.com/KB/architecture/DotNetMVPFramework_Part1.aspx

另请参阅ASP.Net MVC

Martin Fowler has written quite a bit on various patterns used for Enterprise level software.

His website is here . He gives several variants of MVP so you can pick the one that best suited for your situation.

I found " Polymorphic Podcast : Design Patterns Bootcamp: Model View * Patterns " very useful. It has several concise walkthrough videos.

Check out this simple example which demonstrates the basics of MVP:


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