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Copying arrays of structs in C

It's been a long since I don't use C language, and this is driving me crazy. I have an array of structs, and I need to create a function which will copy one array to another (I need an exact copy), but I don't know how to define the function call. I guess I need to use pointers, but when I try it gives me an error.

struct group{
    int weight;
    int x_pos;
    int y_pos;
    int width;
    int height;

struct group a[4];
struct group b[4];

copySolution(&a, &b);

That last declaration send me an error. As I said, it's been a long since programming in C, so I'm a bit lost right now :(

That should do it:

memcpy(&b, &a, sizeof(a));

EDIT : By the way: It will save a copy of a in b .

As Johannes Weiß says, memcpy() is a good solution.

I just want to point out that you can copy structs like normal types:

for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
    b[i] = a[i]; /* copy the whole struct a[i] to b[i] */

This has a feel of poorly masqueraded homework assignment... Anyway, given the predetermined call format for copySolution in the original post, the proper definition of copySolution would look as follows

void copySolution(struct group (*a)[4], struct group (*b)[4])
  /* whatever */

Now, inside the copySolution you can copy the arrays in any way you prefer. Either use a cycle

void copySolution(struct group (*a)[4], struct group (*b)[4])
  const struct group *pb, *pbe;
  struct group *pa;

  for (pa = *a, pb = *b, pbe = pb + sizeof *b / sizeof **b; 
       pb != pbe; 
       ++pa, ++pb)
    *pa = *pb;

or use memcpy as suggested above

void copySolution(struct group (*a)[4], struct group (*b)[4])
  memcpy(b, a, sizeof *b);

Of course, you have to decide first which direction you want your arrays to be copied in. You provided no information, so everyone just jumped to some conclusion.

In my case previous solutions did not work properly! For example, @Johannes Weiß's solution did not copy "enough" data (it copied about half of the first element).
So in case, somebody needs a solution, that will give you correct results, here it is:

int i, n = 50;
struct YourStruct *a, *b;

a = calloc(n, sizeof(*a));
b = malloc(n * sizeof(*b));
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { 
    // filling a

memcpy(b, a, n * sizeof(*a)); // <----- see memcpy here

if (a != NULL) free(a);
a = calloc(n*2, sizeof(*a));

memcpy(a, b, n * sizeof(*b)); // <------ see memcpy here again

Some notes, I used calloc for a, because in the '// filling a' part I was doing operations that required initialized data.

The compiler has no information about the size of the array after passing them as pointer into a function. So you often need a third parameter: The size of the arrays to copy.

A solution (without any error checking) could be:

void copySolution(struct group* a, struct group* b, size_t size) {
    memcpy(a, b, size * sizeof(*a));

The easiest way is probably


although a solution with memcpy() will also work.

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