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What is the difference between -> and :: in PHP?

This thing has been bugging me for long and I can't find it anywhere!

What is the difference when using classes in php between :: and ->

Let me give an example.

Imagine a class named MyClass and in this class there is a function myFunction

What is the difference between using:

MyClass myclass = new MyClass


MyClass myclass = new MyClass

Thank you

MyClass::myFunction();  // static method call

$myclass->myFunction(); // instance method call

"::" is for calling static methods on the class. So, you can use:


but not:


as stated, "::" is for static method calls whereas "->" is for instance method calls

except for when using parent:: to access functions in a base class, where "parent::" can be used for both static and non-static parent methods

abstract class myParentClass
   public function foo()
      echo "parent class";

class myChildClass extends myParentClass
   public function bar()
      echo "child class";

$obj = new myChildClass();
class MyClass {
  static function myStaticFunction(...){


//$myObject=new MyClass(); it isn't necessary. It's true??


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