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A generic type as a parameter

My first question is, is it possible to specify a generic type as a parameter, secondly, is anything such as the pseudo code ive listed below possible?

I assume it will be using .net 4.0 and the dynamics modifier but i am more interested in a pre 4.0 solution.

    public static void SomeMethod(List<T> l, Type type, Control samplecontrol)


Here is my solution...

    public static void FindControlRecursive<T>(Control parent, List<T> l)
        foreach (var ctrl in parent.Controls)
            if (ctrl.GetType() == typeof(T))
            if (((Control)ctrl).Controls != null && ((Control)ctrl).Controls.Count > 0)
                foreach (Control _ctrl in ((Control)ctrl).Controls)
                    FindControlRecursive<T>(_ctrl, l);

You mean this?

public static void SomeMethod<T>(List<T> l, T item)

You need to add the generic type modified to the method name. That will replace your type parameter that you were trying to pass in,

public static Add<T>(List<T> l, T samplecontrol)

You can also add type qualifiers onto the method

public static Add<T>(List<T> l, T samplecontrol) 
    where T : Control

Try this

public static void YourMethodName<T>(List<T> l, Control samplecontrol)

Yes, it is possible, and has been since C# 2.0. This is probably the syntax you are looking for:

public static void AddControlToList<T>(List<T> list, Control sampleControl)

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