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Copy Datagridview to clipboard in Windows Forms

I would like to copy Datagridview selected rows to clipboard and paste them in notepad or Microsoft Word. What is the best method to achieve this?

Thank you..

I use a Copy menu item. If you want to use Ctrl+C, then you'll have to implement keyboard events. Here is my code:

private void copyToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
       foreach (Control myControl in tabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls)
             if (myControl is DataGridView))
                    DataGridView tempdgv = (DataGridView)myControl;
                    DataObject dataObj = tempdgv.GetClipboardContent();
                        Clipboard.SetDataObject(dataObj, true);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                         // Do Something
                        if (selectAllToolStripMenuItem.Checked)
                            selectAllToolStripMenuItem_Click(this, EventArgs.Empty);




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