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how to synchronize a varied number of threads?

Could someone please help me with synchronizing varied number of threads? The problem is when the number of threads can vary from one to 9 and when for instance two clients are connected to server, the communication should be synchronized in this form : client1, client2, client1, client2 ... until the communication is over. I tried with pthread_join , pthread_mutex_lock and pthread_mutex_lock, but this blocks client1 until finish communicating to start client2.

Any help would be appreciated and thanks for your reply

I actually don't understand well how the threads should be synchronized. If there is some block of code that needs to be done in a serialized manner then the pthread_mutex_lock should be good enough. If the order of operation should be preserved (1,2,3,1,2,3) I suggest using pthread_mutex_lock along with some variable indicating which thread is allowed to enter the critical section now.

// id_to_go iterates from 0 up to number_of_thread - 1
// each thread has my_id from the same range
  if (id_to_go == my_id)
    // set to next thread id 
    id_to_go = (id_to_go + 1) % number_of_threads;
    // it's not our turn, try again



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