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Compress SQL Server 2005 query results?

Is it possible to reduce network load by compressing sql query results in a transparent way for the client? DB engine : SQL Server 2005

No. SQL workload is rarely driven by result size. Unless is an ETL job or data shipping, there is never a reason to return a large result to start with. For those particular scenarios that need large amounts of data shipped to the client, there are better solutions than T-SQL queries (log shipping, service broker, replication).

It is possible to reduce workload dramatically though by improving data model, schema design and the access queries.

TDS (Tabular Data Stream) compression is something that people have asked Microsoft to implement..but they have not done so yet.

You have a couple options that I am aware of:

  1. Use a third party tool like SQLNitro .
  2. Move to Windows Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 where they have made various TCP stack improvements, as outlined here: Appendix A: A Closer Look - Examining the Enhancements in Windows Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 That Enable Faster Performance

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