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Decimal number, to_char, and Oracle

I am trying to figure out a format spec of to_char() that would give me the following result.

to_char(0.1, '[FORMAT_SPEC]')

gives 0.1 and:

to_char(1, '[FORMAT_SPEC]')

gives 1.

I've tried the following solutions:


gives '.1'.

to_char(0.1, 'FM0.099')

gives 0.1, which is okay, however:

to_char(1, 'FM0.099')

gives 1.0, which is not okay.

Do you have any suggestions?

The precision returned needs to be consistent, so the only alternative is to use DECODE or CASE statements to conditionally return what you need:

  WHEN INSTR(TO_CHAR(t.col), '.') = 0 THEN TO_CHAR(t.col)
  ELSE TO_CHAR(t.col, 'FM0.099')

The example isn't great - it's not clear if your data will have values like 1.000 or values above one/etc.

EDIT Michael-O (2013-06-25): For those who need it idiot-proof, you may try:

  when instr(to_char(<col>), (select to_char(0, 'FMD') from dual))  = 0
    then to_char(<col>) 
  else to_char(<col>, 'FM999990D999')

It automatically observes the decimal separator. Adapt the the secodn format modal to your number size.


TRIM('.' FROM TO_CHAR(x, 'FM99990.999'))

Don't happen to have an Oracle instance handy to test this in, but I'd think that

TO_CHAR(1, 'FM0.999')

oughta do it.

Not sure what range of values you will be expecting but you could case out values < 1 versus those >= 1. Otherwise either the trailing 0 or the decimal is going to get in your way:

select val,
       case when val < 1 then to_char(val, 'FM99990.9')
            else to_char(val, 'FM99999')
       end fmt
  from (select 0.1 val from dual union all
        select 1 from dual

       VAL FMT
---------- --------
        .1 0.1
         1 1

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