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Parse JSON with R

I am fairly new to R, but the more use it, the more I see how powerful it really is over SAS or SPSS. Just one of the major benefits, as I see them, is the ability to get and analyze data from the web. I imagine this is possible (and maybe even straightforward), but I am looking to parse JSON data that is publicly available on the web. I am not a programmer by any stretch, so any help and instruction you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Even if you point me to a basic working example, I probably can work through it.

RJSONIO from Omegahat is another package which provides facilities for reading and writing data in JSON format.

rjson does not use S4/S3 methods and so is not readily extensible, but still useful. Unfortunately, it does not used vectorized operations and so is too slow for non-trivial data. Similarly, for reading JSON data into R, it is somewhat slow and so does not scale to large data, should this be an issue.

Update (new Package 2013-12-03):

jsonlite : This package is a fork of the RJSONIO package. It builds on the parser from RJSONIO but implements a different mapping between R objects and JSON strings. The C code in this package is mostly from the RJSONIO Package, the R code has been rewritten from scratch. In addition to drop-in replacements for fromJSON and toJSON , the package has functions to serialize objects. Furthermore, the package contains a lot of unit tests to make sure that all edge cases are encoded and decoded consistently for use with dynamic data in systems and applications.

The jsonlite package is easy to use and tries to convert json into data frames.



# url with some information about project in Andalussia
url <- 'https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/badges?order=desc&sort=rank&site=stackoverflow'

# read url and convert to data.frame
document <- fromJSON(txt=url)

Here is the missing example

url <- 'http://someurl/data.json'
document <- fromJSON(file=url, method='C')

The function fromJSON() in RJSONIO, rjson and jsonlite don't return a simple 2D data.frame for complex nested json objects.

To overcome this you can use tidyjson . It takes in a json and always returns a data.frame. It is currently not availble in CRAN, you can get it here: https://github.com/sailthru/tidyjson

Update: tidyjson is now available in cran, you can install it directly using install.packages("tidyjson")

For the record, rjson and RJSONIO do change the file type, but they don't really parse per se. For instance, I receive ugly MongoDB data in JSON format, convert it with rjson or RJSONIO, then use unlist and tons of manual correction to actually parse it into a usable matrix.

Try below code using RJSONIO in console


json_file = getURL("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/isrini/SI_IS607/master/books.json")

json_file2 = RJSONIO::fromJSON(json_file)


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