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Assembler task - min and max values of the array

I've encountered problems with assembler code. I'm a newbie to assembler, so it seems difficult for me to solve it myself.

The task is: "To find minimal and maximal elements of the array."

All I've already done is searching for maximal element. I can't find out, how to make check for the minimal element and where I should put such verification. Or, probably, I should loop through elements second time after finding maximal element?


#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream.h>
void main() {
   int  N = 10, i;
   // on this platform, int is 16-bit
   int a[] = { 1, 4, -6, 12, -25, 10, 3, -4, 15, 7}, MAX, MIN, RESULT;

    mov cx, N
    lea si, a
    mov bx, ax
    mov dx, ax
    dec cx }
     cmp dx, ax
     jge m1
     mov dx, ax
       loop m
       mov MAX, dx

cout << "Max = " << MAX;
//cout << "Min = " << MIN;

What happens if you replace "jge" with "jle"? Try it and see.

If it's interesting to someone, here is the solution for my question(I found out it today with help of my tutor):

#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream.h>
void main() {
   int  N = 10, i;
   int a[] = { 1, 4, -6, 12, -25, 10, 3, -4, 15, 7}, MAX, MIN, RESULT;

      mov cx, N
      lea si, a
      mov MIN, ax
      mov MAX, ax
      dec cx
       cmp MIN, ax
       jle m1
       mov MIN, ax
       jmp m2
       cmp MAX, ax
       jge m2
       mov MAX, ax
       loop m;

cout << "Max = " << MAX << "\n";
cout << "Min = " << MIN;

Algorithm : if cmp MIN, ax has negative result, it means ax is greater, than MIN . So script jumps to m1 label to compare ax value with MAX . When cmp MIN, ax returns positive value, scripts assigns value of ax register to MIN variable and after that jumps to the m2 label to decrement loop counter. Algorithm of finding maximal value works similarly(label m1 ).

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