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Is there a way to transform a string from JSON into a DOM structure?

The Problem is:

I get the following structure (generated in PHP) sent via JSON as a string.


    <h2><a href="#">url</a></h2>
    <p><time datetime="2009-11-05">05 Nov 2009</time></p>

<div class="entry"> 



I have a list of articles on the site and I need to replace an existing article with the received one. Using jQuery, I would do something like this:

var $victim = $slider.find('article.loading:first'); 
    $fresh = $(basket.shift());

basket.shift() is the received article in the above string form and $victim is the existing one.

Now, normally I would do


It works in good browsers (gecko, webkit) but jQuery has a known bug on using .innerHTML with HTML5 elements, documented here . .replaceWith uses that method internally in the end.

A solution would be to use native Javascript and methods except .innerHTML . Something like this should work:

$victim.parent().get(0).insertBefore($fresh.get(0), $victim.get(0));

And it does, but only in good browsers, again. Something is not ok with the .get(0) approach on the $fresh var.

I've simulated an insertion of a node created locally in the js code and it works in IE:

var dummy = document.createElement('article');
    var dummyChild = document.createElement('header');
        txt = document.createTextNode("crap");

$victim.parent().get(0).insertBefore(dummy, $victim.get(0));

So, is there any other way of transforming the string into a DOM subtree? Or any other way to get by the replaceWith problem?

Note: I'm no javascript guru/ninja :)

Ok, after some more reading I think I've found why the .insertBefore doesn't work.

As the jQuery API states ( http://api.jquery.com/jQuery/#creating-new-elements ), when I pass the <article> as a string, the DOM element is created also via .innerHTML because of its complexity.

Is there a way to force $() in using the native createElement instead? I know it sucks performance-wise, but at least it will get IE working.

You error might actually be occurring earlier than you think. When you wrap the basket.shift() in $() it is actually being added to a hidden div at that point. Have you tried this:

var $victim = $slider.find('article.loading:first'); 
    fresh = basket.shift();


IE causes errors when working with HTML5 elements so try to donwload the script from this page and include it before any other in the head of the document: http://html5doctor.com/how-to-get-html5-working-in-ie-and-firefox-2/

This should prevent errors caused by HTML5 elements in IE

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