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Count number of records by date in Django

I have a model similar to the following:

class Review(models.Model):
    venue = models.ForeignKey(Venue, db_index=True)
    review = models.TextField()  
    datetime_created = models.DateTimeField(default=datetime.now)

I'd like to query the database to get the total number of reviews for a venue grouped by day. The MySQL query would be:

SELECT DATE(datetime_created), count(id) 
WHERE venue_id = 2
GROUP BY DATE(datetime_created);

What is the best way to accomplish this in Django? I could just use


and parse the results in the view, but that doesn't seem right to me.

This should work (using the same MySQL specific function you used):

    .extra({'date_created' : "date(datetime_created)"})

Just for completeness, since extra() is aimed for deprecation, one could use this approach:

from django.db.models.expressions import DateTime

    annotate(month=DateTime("timestamp", "month", pytz.timezone("Etc/UTC"))).\

It worked for me in django 1.8, both in sqlite and MySql databases.

Now that Extra() is being depreciated a more appropriate answer would use Trunc such as this accepted answer

Now the OP's question would be answered as follows

from django.db.models.functions import TruncDay


If you were storing a date field, you could use this:

from django.db.models import Count

Review.objects.filter(venue__pk = 2)
    .values('date').annotate(event_count = Count('id'))

Because you're storing datetime, it's a little more complicated, but this should offer a good starting point. Check out the aggregation docs here .

Also you can define custom function:

from django.db.models.expressions import Func

# create custom sql function
class ExtractDateFunction(Func):
    function = "DATE" # thats the name of function, the way it mapped to sql

# pass this function to annotate

Just make sure that your DB engine supports DATE function

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