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Accessing children of loaded swf in Flex Image component

enter code here I am loading an external swf into an component. It loads everything fine and I can see buttons working in the swf, I can add a movieclip to the but I can't then access that movieclip (or don't know how), and it keeps telling me numChildren = null when I try to trace it out.

This is set up as a custom component like this:

            bottom="0" left="0" top="0" right="0"
            zoomIncrement="{ options.zoomIncrement }"
            imageDoubleClickEnabled="{ options.imageDoubleClickEnabled }"
            mouseWheelEnabled="{ options.mouseWheelEnabled }"
            mouseFollow="{ options.mouseFollowEnabled }"  />



Then in my imageZoom.mxml I have this code:

    visible="{ _source != null &amp;&amp; image.percentLoaded &lt; 100 }" horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0" 
    hideEffect="WipeDown" showEffect="WipeDown" width="210" height="30"
    borderStyle="solid" borderThickness="3" borderColor="#000000" backgroundColor="#FFFFFF" backgroundAlpha=".5" cornerRadius="10" >

    <Label text="Loading... { Math.floor(image.percentLoaded) }%" fontSize="16" width="100%" textAlign="center">
            <flash.filters:DropShadowFilter color="0" alpha=".5" />


<Image id="image" mask="{ maskCanvas }" source="{ _source }" mouseDown="image.startDrag()" visible="{ _source != null &amp;&amp; image.percentLoaded == 100 }"
    showEffect="{ fadeInEffect }" complete="imageComplete()" doubleClickEnabled="true" doubleClick="onDoubleClick()" />

Can anyone tell me how I would access the children in the loaded movieclip?

I have tried

mycomponent.image.getChildAt(2) and it returns and error that the index is out of bounds.

Was an easy answer: myComponent.image.content

Also was calling it before it finished loading.

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