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inserting std::strings in to a std::map

I have a program that reads data from a file line-by-line. I would like to copy some substring of that line in to a map as below:

std::map< DWORD, std::string > my_map;
DWORD index;         // populated with some data
char buffer[ 1024 ]; // populated with some data
char* element_begin; // points to some location in buffer
char* element_end;   // points to some location in buffer > element_begin

my_map.insert( std::make_pair( index, std::string( element_begin, element_end ) ) );

This std::map<>::insert() operation takes a long time (It doubles the file parsing time). Is there a way to make this a less expensive operation?

Thanks, PaulH

Edit: to be more specific, I want to know that I'm doing the minimum number of copy operations to get the data from the file in to the map.

Do you really need a map here? As far as I can see in your example you only want to store an index as key value that is, as I suppose, simply incremented for each insertion. You could accomplish this with an std::vector which is know to be the fastest container. Just use push_back and access the value with at(index) .

There's a few things you could try. There's overhead involved both in the data structure and the creation of the string itself.

  1. Does it need to be a map ? You could try std::tr1::unordered_map instead and see if that helps.

  2. How fast do lookups need to be? You could try std::vector if you can live with O(n) lookup time.

  3. Do you need to store a copy of each substring? Could you just store a pointer instead?

Maybe you could try another version of the string constructor:

string ( const char * s, size_t n );

If your implementation of string does not have a specialization for char * , it will be forced to traverse the range given and copy each character individually. In that case the constructor above might be faster (just a guess though).

To answer your supplementary question slightly. Try changing the map temporarily to a vector of strings, and then time it inserting a fixed string value into the vector For example:

vector <string> v;
string s( "foobar" );

your insert loop:
   v.push_back( s );

That should give you a lower bound of what is possible regarding speed.

Also, you should time things with all optimisations turned on (if you are not already doing so). This can make a suprising difference to many Standard Library operations.

you are storing strings but I gues you already have read them and them add them to the map. This will result in a copy. If you store pointer to string in it (string* instead of string) will probably be faster.

If your compiler isn't able to optimize away redundant copies in the insert, you can use the bracket operator to assign directly into the map:

my_map[index].assign(element_begin, element_end)

Edit: As Neil points out this won't be helpful if there can be duplicate keys inserted.

鉴于您需要将数据放入std::map<DWORD, std::string>然后,是的,您正在执行最少数量的复制操作以将数据放入映射中。

I believe most of your execution time with the map is copying strings. The std::map likes to have its own copy of everything. So when you insert, the std::map makes a copy of the key and the value.

Long time ago, when processors were slow and memory was small, programmers would use pointers to "large" data items and pass the pointer around rather than copying the data each time. A pointer is a much smaller entity than a string and requires less execution time to copy. Perhaps you should store pointers to strings in the map:

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "boost/shared_ptr.hpp"

typedef boost::shared_ptr<string>    Shared_Str_Ptr;

typedef std::map< DWORD, Shared_Str_Ptr> Map_Container;

Map_Container my_map;
Shared_Str_Ptr p_str(new std::string("Hello"));
my_map[5] = p_str;

The shared_ptr will take care of memory management for you so there are no worries when deleting the map or its contents.

See also Boost Smart Pointers .

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