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How do I check the input data type of a variable in C++?

I have one doubt about how to check the data type of input variables in C++.

using namespace std;
int main()
    double a,b;
    cout<<"Enter two double values";
    if()        //if condition false then
        cout<<"data entered is not of double type"; 
        //I'm having trouble for identifying whether data
        //is double or not how to check please help me 

If the input cannot be converted to a double, then the failbit will set for cin . This can be tested by calling cin.fail() .

     cout<<"data entered is not of double type"; 

Update: As others have pointed out, you can also use !cin instead of cin.fail() . The two are equivalent.


if (! (cin>>a>>B)) { handle error }

That code is hopelessly wrong.

  1. iostream.h doesn't exist. Use #include <iostream> instead. The same goes for other standard headers.
  2. You need to import the namespace std in your code (…). This can be done by putting using namespace std; at the beginning of your main function.
  3. main must have return type int , not void .

Concerning your problem, you can check whether reading a value was successful by the following code:

if (!(cin >> a))
    cout << "failure." << endl;

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