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Are there any high level language that don't support using C++ libraries?

是否有不支持使用C ++库的高级语言?

Using C++ libraries from other high-level languages has a couple of major obstacles:

  • if the library is OO, you need to be able to create a C++ object in the calling language - this is not easy.

  • C++ implementations use a technique known as "name-mangling" to ensure type-safe linkage. Unfortunately, there is no standard for name mangling, so C++ code cannot even easily be called between different C++ implementations.

So the answer to your question is that most HLLs will have problems calling C++ code. They may also have problems calling any other language of course - there are actually no standardised binary interfaces between languages, except ad hoc, platform-specifc ones.

I can't think of any language that is able to use C++ libraries directly. Even getting C++ to do it can be tricky (if the library was compiled with a different compiler than you're using)

Of course, if you write a wrapper of some kind (either a wrapper for the specific library, or some kind of bindings library that lets you expose specific types), then any language can use C++ libraries. But directly, as-is, with no extra work? I don't think any language other than C++ can do it.

这有点反面,但是许多流行的高级语言可以通过swig( http://swig.org/ )绑定到为其创建的C ++库代码。

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