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Where can I find WebSphere configuration files?

I would like to know where are the WebSphere configuration details saved?

Specifically, configuration details that are shown in the Administrative Console (from the web) or from the console using wsadmin.

Some of the examples would be:

  1. Java and Process Management: Class loader, Process definition, Process execution
  2. Container Settings: Session management, SIP Container Settings, Web Container Settings, Portlet Container Settings

Are there XML files that persist these configuration details?


WebSphere Application Server configuration data is stored in XMI format in the profile configuration repository.

The settings you referred to are stored in server.xml


Along with server.xml @ ${PROFILE_HOME}/config/cells/${CELL}/nodes/${NODE}/servers/${SERVER}/server.xml, there are other files too which save more data as below:

  1. resources.xml at the same path. This file has all the resources information saved.
  2. variables.xml at the same path. This file saves the variables used in places like DB drivers etc.

Also, there are other important file mentioned here - https://websphereapplicationservernotes.wordpress.com/2012/12/13/websphere-application-server-important-files/

As the URLs get obsolete these days, I am pasting the content here too:


• admin-authz.xml Contains the roles set for administration of the Admin console. /appsrv01/config/cells//

• profileRegistry.xml Contains a list of profiles and profile configuration data

• resources.xml Defines operating cell scope environmental resources, including JDBC, JMS, JavaMail, URL end point configuration, and so on.

• security.xml Contains security data , including all user ID and password information.

• virtualhosts.xml Contains virtual host and Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)-type configurations.

• variables.xml Contains cell level WebSphere variables

• wimconfig.xml Contains the federated repository configurations for global security /config/cells//wim/config/


• namestore.xml Provides persistent JNDI namespace binding data

• resources.xml Defines node scope environmental resources, including JDBC, JMS, JavaMail, URL end point configuration, and so on

• serverindex.xml Specifies all the ports used by servers on this node

• variables.xml Contains node level WebSphere variables


• resources.xml Contains the configuration of resources, such as, JDBC, JMS, JavaMail, and URL end points at server scope

• server.xml Contains application server configuration data

• variables.xml Contains server level variables

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