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Apache Commons Math optimization

Does anyone have any experience with the Apache Commmons Math optimization package? More specifically, the Nelder-Mead method implementation? Is it pretty high quality?

Nelder-Mead is one of the most popular multivariate optimization algorithm. The Apache implmentation is pretty good.

However, if you have more information, eg, gradient, you should consider using a more "informed" algorithm such as BFGS. It also works with analytical gradient (using finite differencing). R uses BFGS by default, I think...

SuanShu has implemented 10+ Java optimization algorithms that you can choose for your purpose. Hope this helps.

Note that Apache Commons Math also contains Michael Powell's direct search BOBYQA algorithm. This algorithm generally converges in substantially fewer iterations than the classical Nelder-Mead method, plus it also supports bounds on the variables.

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